I was so thrilled to be a part of Marissa & Dan’s April wedding. April showers definitely made their appearance but rainy weddings are low-key my favorite weddings. There is something magical about the rain, and uprooted plans are always cause for more creativity in the end! The wedding took place at the gorgeous Tanglewood Club in the cutest town I’ve ever seen (Chagrin Falls!) We stopped by the most adorable popcorn shop, hung out and ate ice cream at Jeni’s , and took portraits by the gorgeous waterfalls! There was so much love at this wedding, not only between the bride and groom, but with the entire family on either side. You will see lots of happy tears while scrolling through! Marissa & Dan just love to laugh, I had so much fun hanging out with them all day! From the dinosaurs to the ice cream, their wedding day was perfection. Scroll through the photos and their wedding video is at the end!